Community Lutheran Church -- Enfield NH

Youth Group and Christian Education

Sunday School is at 9:30 a.m. during the Sunday morning worship service

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Click here for Youth Group



Sunday School

SUNDAY SCHOOL:  Sunday school meets each Sunday starting right after the Children's sermon.  There is a formal class on the 1st and 3rd Sundays and Sunday School activities on the alternate Sundays.  Please contact Heather O. if you have questions, or if you would be able to help with Sunday School.


MARDIS GRAS CARNIVAL EVENT:  Please join us on Saturday, February 6th from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. for an afternoon of carnival games to help fight the winter blues.  Festivities begin at 2 p.m. with final raffle drawing at 3 p.m.  The activities are appropriate for children of all ages.  Adult volunteers are needed.  Contact Heather Oliver (email if you can help.


Youth Group

      The youth group held it's annual silly supper for kids in November.  There were 22 kids and families that attended, as well as youth:  Braeden, Tryder and Emmaka.  In addition, Heather provided a number of minute-to-win-it challenges (can you draw a turkey on a paper plate on top of your head?, and how many Skittles can you pick up with a straw in a minute?), Jane made delicious meat balls and helped to cook, Pastor and Lindsey helped organize food and keep it flowing as well as picking up pizza for the youth, as did Bev V. Lloyd and Ellen.  Babben helped to set up and everyone helped to cleanup.  The invitees enjoyed a silly mixed-up meal with spooky punch (dry ice), crafts, activities, games and a pinata.  Everyone had a great time.    Thank you to the many people who made this happen, especially the youth who waited on tables and ran the activities and the parents who stayed late to help clean up.

Site was last updated on 03.02.2016

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