Community Lutheran Church -- Enfield NH

More Info from Boards, Committees, Groups and Miscellaneous Sources

Social Ministries Committee
Women's Fellowship
CLC Online Calendar



After taking the summer off the quilters are back making Lutheran World Relief Quilts and Prayer Quilts.   We will meet on Sept 24, Oct 8, Oct. 22, and Nov12 in the fellowship hall from 9 to noon.  Everyone is invited to join us for the fellowship and workshop.  No experience is necessary.  For more information contact Carol B.

Quilting Items Needed
In order to make our LWR quilts we need material, old sheets, old mattress pads or similar items.  Each quilt is composed of three layers: Top, Filler, Backing.  Material is cut into squares or strips and turned into quilt tops.  Old sheets, tablecloths, or mattress pads is used as fillers.  Sheets or large pieces of material become the backings. 
 If you have any items you think we could use please bring them to church.  Contact Carol B. if you have any questions.  Thank you.  CLC Quilters.


 Social Ministries

Social Ministry Corner
our donations at work

In January of this new year, The Social Ministry Committee donated $300.00 from our ELCA Hunger/Disaster fund to Lutheran Disaster Response for U.S. Storms. Flooding and tornadoes have wreaked havoc across the Midwest and South. Heavy rainfall and record flooding have forced the evacuation of hundreds of people, claiming the lives of at least 24 people, threatening crops and livestock and putting scores of homes underwater after days of unusual winter weather.
It is important for us at CLC to know how Lutheran Disaster Response has used our donation. Lutheran Disaster Response is working with social ministry organizations and synods that serve the impacted communities in shaping the response to this dynamic situation across multiple states. This initial response of neighbor helping neighbor and organizations responding in their own communities will be expanded by their long-standing network of support to assist those impacted. Together they will work to rebuild lives.
Please continue to pray for all those affected by the tornadoes and flooding. Remember those who have lost everything and all those working to respond. Because of your generous offerings of prayers and financial support, the ELCA walks alongside disaster survivors on the long road to recovery.
(Submitted by Rosemary Affeldt for the Social Ministry Committee. Information was excerpted from LDR bulletin.)






Women's Fellowship


Draft Minutes of Women’s Fellowship Bi-annual Meeting:         October 3, 2015

An informal potluck breakfast was enjoyed at 8:30 a.m..  Seven ladies were present for breakfast and meeting.
Call to order:  Nancy M. Women’s Fellowship Pres., called the meeting to order @ 9:15.
Opening Devotion:  Nancy selected devotional thoughts from
Minutes (May 2015):   Minutes were reviewed. There was discussion re: wording having to do with WELCA/dues.  Delete the following words “based on the amount of dues, etc.” as we do not pay dues.  Carol M. made the motion to approve the Minutes; seconded by Carol B.  Approved with adjustment. 
Treasurer’s Report:  Susan C. has been the acting treasurer since May 2015. A motion was made by Carol B., seconded by Joyce R. to accept Susan for a 2-year term effective October 4, 2015.
Regarding the report that was distributed:  Polly D. made the motion, seconded by Barbara D., that we accept the report as printed. 
Additional comments:  In the future the funds for youth scholarships will be referred to as  “ELCA youth conferences”
The scholarship marked fund was “capped” several years ago so we do not need to set aside the 10%

1.July 18 Yard Sale:  Thank you to Susan and Polly for coordinating it and to the many people who participated.   Stella B. from the Enfield Methodist Church selected many items at the end of the sale, the Canaan Volunteer Fire Dept. (contact person: Phil N.) picked up most everything that did not sell, a few clothes were donated to Listen and all of the books were donated to an organization that supports MIA issues/remembrances.
2.The summer Bible Study held at LaSalette for the 2nd year this past August was another successful event.  Thanks are in order to Carol B. who led the study (Handel’s Messiah) and to Polly D. who coordinated the day’s activities.
3.Women’s Fellowship Welcome folder: After making a few adjustments the folder was given to Susan to take to church council for consideration in the "Welcome" packet.

1.Frosty’s Craft World: Nov 21st 2015 (9-2) $25 to reserve space   (Susan C, Barbara D. and maybe Jane P. to coordinate). Martha H. is the contact person  
2.Disbursements:  Total Funds Available to Distribute
$200          Project Graduation
$150          Barn Project
$150          Food Pantry
$200          Appliance Fund
$100          Discretionary Fund
$100          WELCA
$  75          CLC Movie Night
$  50          Puzzle Party
$200          Enfield Fuel Fund
$225          CLC General Fund
Carol made the motion, seconded by Susan, to close the total funds available expenditures.  The above mentioned expenditures were approved.  
3.Nancy will check into a restaurant for a Christmas gathering.
4.Biennial Synod Convention:  Fall Retreat in Biddeford, Maine:   Oct 22nd-29th
4.ELCA Women’s Magazine   $15 subscription, we decided to purchase one subscription.
5.Spring Women’s Fellowship Meeting:  May 14, 2016

At 10:40 Polly made the motion to adjourn; Joyce seconded this.  Approved
Closing prayer
             Respectfully Submitted,
            Polly D. Secretary



            Thrivent Choice Dollars

Those of us who are Thrivent Financial members should check our accounts for dollars that we can assign to a charitable organization (such as CLC!).  This quarter’s Choice Dollars have just been announced. Assignment can be performed by phone or the internet.


CLC Online Calendar

CLC uses the services of Google to publish its online calendar in the CLC website. This has the advantage of having changes to the calendar immediately available for viewing on the website and the calendar “master” in one place. 

So, if you need up-to-date information on what's happening, just click the calendar tab at the top of this page and you can see the latest.




Site was last updated on 03.02.2016

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