and Carols
for the Season of Christmas
New England Synod, ELCA
Lyrics reprinted under OneLicense A-715489; CCLI #20876916, 20876909
Unison texts, responses, and song lyrics will appear in the video.
Bishop Jim Hazelwood
Gathering Music – How Many Kings
Pastor Mark and Deacon Sarah Huber, Sanctuary, Marshfield, MA
Confession and Forgiveness, Greeting, & Prayer of the Day
Kim Bergstrand, Associate to the Bishop
Carol: Away in a Manger
Jonathan Reuning-Scherer, Emanuel Lutheran, Hartford, CT
Evangelical Lutheran Worship Hymn #277
Children’s Message
Pastor Steven Wilco, Associate to the Bishop
1st Reading, Carol, and Reflection
Isaiah 52:7-10
Maeve Schurz, Intern, Bethesda Lutheran, New Haven, CT
Carol: Go Tell It On the Mountain
Jonathan Reuning-Scherer, Emanuel Lutheran, Hartford, CT
Evangelical Lutheran Worship Hymn #290
A Reflection on Incarnation
Pastor Ryan Lun, Good Neighbor Lutheran, Quincy, MA
2nd Reading, Carol, & Reflection
Philippians 2:5-11
Maeve Schurz, Intern, Bethesda Lutheran, New Haven, CT
Carol: Midnight Stars Make Bright the Skies
Pastor Steven Wilco, Associate to the Bishop
Evangelical Lutheran Worship #280
Reflection on Incarnation
Beatrice Luciano, Licensed Lay Minister, Ministerio Nueva Creacion, Manchester, CT
3rd Reading, Carol, & Reflection
1 John 1:1-4
Christian Cederstrom, Intern, St. Andrew’s Lutheran, Charlestown, RI
Carol: We Have Seen the Messiah
Jonathan Reuning-Scherer, Emanuel Lutheran, Hartford, CT
Reflection on Incarnation
Pastor Arnold Isidore Thomas, Good Shepherd Lutheran, Jericho, VT
4th Reading, Carol, & Reflection
Luke 2:21-40
Wylie Cook, Intern, First Lutheran, Waltham, MA
Carol: What Child Is This
Jonathan Reuning-Scherer, Emanuel Lutheran, Hartford, CT
Evangelical Lutheran Worship Hymn #296, v. 1 and 3
Reflection on Incarnation
Kim Bergstrand, Associate to the Bishop
5th Reading, Carol, & Reflection
John 1:1-5, 10-14
Abby Johnson, Intern, St. Paul Lutheran, Arlington, MA
Carol: Of the Father’s Love Begotten
Pastor Steven Wilco, Associate to the Bishop
Evangelical Lutheran Worship Hymn #295, v. 1, 3, 5
Reflection on Incarnation
Bishop Jim Hazelwood, New England Synod
Prayers of Intercession
Pastor Sara Anderson, Associate to the Bishop
Pastor Sara Anderson, Associate to the Bishop
Pastor Sara Anderson, Associate to the Bishop
At this time you are invited to give an offering to your local congregation and, if you are moved to do so, you may also give an offering to the New England Synod at www.nelutherans.org/donate or by sending a check to the New England Synod, P. O. Box 13, Worcester, MA 01614.
Offering Song: Joy to the World/Al Mundo Paz
Luz Berrios-Taveras, Ministerio Nueva Creacion, Manchester, CT
Evangelical Lutheran Worship Hymn #267 (Tune and English verses only)
Thanksgiving for the Word
Mark Winzler, Associate to the Bishop
Lord’s Prayer
Mark Winzler, Associate to the Bishop
Blessing & Dismissal
Bishop Jim Hazelwood, New England Synod
Sending Song: Love Has Come
Pastor Steven Wilco, Associate to the Bishop
Evangelical Lutheran Worship Hymn #292